Have You Had the Talk?

It’s difficult to talk about a time when you won’t be around, but it’s important to have these conversations. It might be uncomfortable at first, but in the end you’ll know that you and your loved ones are one step closer to peace of mind. Here’s what you should remember as you start talking to […]

Client Success Story: A Win in Wine Country

SuccessionLegal® is frequently contacted in emergency situations by clients in difficult positions. Many clients don’t know where to start, are afraid of the health complications they are facing, and need immediate guidance. This summer, an elderly woman contacted SLG in that exact situation. She was scheduled to have a serious surgery in a few days, […]

Introducing SuccessionLegal®

Dear Friends, Exactly nine years ago, I started Singh Law Group with the goal of providing empathetic legal guidance to families navigating the loss of a loved one or planning for death or incapacity. In the years since, it’s been a privilege to work with hundreds of families and to connect with countless colleagues and […]

How to Use Prop 13 While You Still Can

How to use prop 13

Prop 19 takes effect on February 16, 2021, which doesn’t give you much time to take advantage of current law (Prop 13) if it’s the better move for you and your family. If you haven’t read our overview of Prop 19, we recommend doing that first here. Now, here are the ways you can get […]

WARNING: Prop 19 is Here!

warning: prop 19 is here

The new year always brings new laws, but California’s passage of Proposition 19 has been at the top of our minds because of its potential impact on one of the most fundamental services we provide: helping parents leave their real estate to their children. What was the law before Prop 19? Prop 19 changes Prop […]

When is it Too Late to Plan?

When it is too late

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago; the second best time is today.”     I love sharing that quote with our clients because it really speaks to one of the most common concerns we hear: “Is it too late for me to plan?”   When Should Planning Start? To understand whether […]

Why is it called a “Living” Trust?

living trust

There are two ways to think about the word “Living” in Living Trust: First, the word “Living” means that a document is dynamic, not static.  It can be changed and adapted over time.  This is the case with a Living Trust, and is one of its primary benefits.  This is why Living Trusts are also […]

The Living Trust as a Vehicle

living trust as a vehicle

During over a decade as an estate planning attorney, I’ve noticed that one of the biggest reasons clients put off creating a living trust (or sometimes never get around to it at all) is simply because they’re confused.  That’s tragic. Legal jargon is confusing, for sure, but visuals allow us to get away from the […]